March 4th.
Why is today so important?
Today is the day I invested in ME six years ago. Today is the day I simply “thought” I was doing something to help the family financially and to let some creative juices out with some makeup. Little did I know, it was the day that would change the trajectory of my life FOREVER.... Little did I know, it was the day that I actually chose me and my own personal desires. (financial gains was just the 🍒 on top)I have gained more than I ever could have imagined, leading a team of almost 3,000 women and more to come, and hand-moulding a life that I never knew I had so much control over....All because of a little mascara and a little faith.
💋March 4th. March forth. 👣. Trek forward. Keep moving. With patience, a strong GPS (mindset), the support of strong and well-engineered steel tracks (foundation), coals always in the chamber (determination), it's a gentle reminder to never pull the brakes on the freight train that so beautifully navigated through the curves, tunnels, and valleys of my life ... and brought me to where I am today. Stronger, more confident, independent, feisty 😏, and valuable.#muthahustla #stilldriving #6yearYouniversary #BlackStatus #nobrakes